Coaches & Freelancers, overwhelmed and don't know where to start?
Find clarity on the most important tasks and simplify your workflow, so that you can make more money and have a bigger impact without overwhelm and burnout.
Download The Business Growth Blueprint Journal Today!
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Define a powerful vision for your business and know exactly what you need to do to get there

Have a step by step roadmap to follow so that you can get out of analysis paralysis and meet your goals

Create a sense of accountability, stop procrastinating and start taking action

This is the exact process I teach my private clients have doubled their income 30 days or less!
I've been a business consultant, private chef, musician, composer and suffered a major chronic health condition. I then retrained as a coach. I saw how my unique set of skills and experiences could help people just like you. Creative professionals, freelancers & service providers on a mission to create great work and have an impact. Helping you create business & career success without burning out and sacrificing your health and relationships is what I'm all about.
Over the past 5 years I've developed a formula that works, that gets results. I look forward to meeting you along this free video series so you can feel the same impact my clients have been receiving. Warmly, Dan